
Thursday 13 July 2017

Weekly Update (Jul 13, 2017; Wk 11) - Provincial Insect Pest Reports

Provincial entomologists provide insect pest updates throughout the growing season so we have attempted to link to their most recent information: 

● Manitoba's Insect and Disease Update for 2017 is prepared by John Gavloski and Pratisara Bajracharya and read Issue #7 (posted July 5, 2017) noting the presence of thistle caterpillar (Vanessa cardui) and larval populations of diamondback moth reaching economically significant levels in the southwest of that province. Cumulative counts of bertha armyworm generated from weekly counts in Manitoba can be accessed here. ● Saskatchewan's Crop Production News - 2017 - Issue #3 includes the insect update prepared by Scott Hartley and Danielle Stephens. That report includes an update on the red bugs in canola (also described in Week 8) and how to submit samples to that provincial lab, very low numbers of diamondback moth in pheromone traps across that province, initial low numbers of bertha armyworm in pheromone traps, and cabbage seedpod weevil.
● Watch for Alberta Agriculture and Forestry's Call of the Land and access the most recent Insect Update (July 5, 2017) provided by Scott Meers. That report notes migration of painted lady butterflies which feed on thistles but also soybeans, sunflowers, and dry beans. Soybean and sunflower producers will need to carefully follow the development of a second generation of V. cardui as it could affect those crops by mid-July. Additionally, diamondback moth are more numerous than in previous seasons so careful scouting will be required during early pod stages in canola as that stage is the most susceptible to yield losses.