
Friday 29 June 2018

Provincial Insect Pest Reports (Jun 28, 2018; Wk 08)

Provincial entomologists provide insect pest updates throughout the growing season so we link to their most recent information: 

Manitoba's Insect and Disease Update for 2018 is accessed here. Review the most recent update (June 6, 2018) prepared by John Gavloski and Holly Derksen. The insect update notes flea beetles in canola and cutworms with monitoring for alfalfa weevil larvae underway. Diamondback moth trap numbers remain low and bertha armyworm pheromone traps will go up this week.

Saskatchewan's Crop Production News for 2018 is posted with Report #3 now available. Insect monitoring information is included in the article, "Canola plants disappearing? Scout the field to look for cutworm damage". Saskatchewan growers can review articles to assess plant stand densities in flax or canola, and for flea beetles, pea leaf weevils. Also note the following diamondback moth pheromone trap interception counts from across the regions (updated June 15, 2018):

Alberta Agriculture and Forestry's Call of the Land regularly includes insect pest updates from Scott Meers. The most recent Call of the Land (posted on June 21, 2018) noting that bertha armyworm moths were detected this first week of pheromone monitoring (check online map), onset of flowering in canola signalling the need for in-field monitoring for cabbage seedpod weevil, continued grasshopper calls from the south and advice to scout now while nymphs are easier to manage, Nutall's blister beetle transiently showing up in some fields (blister beetle post), and the presence of the beneficial stiletto fly larvae which is a predator within the soil profile and targets wireworm larvae.