
Thursday 8 June 2017

Weekly Update (Jun 8, 2017; Wk 06) - Provincial Insect Pest Reports

Provincial entomologists provide insect pest updates throughout the growing season so we have attempted to link to their most recent information: 

● Manitoba's Insect and Disease Update for 2017 is prepared by John Gavloski and Pratisara Bajracharya the latest issues (June 7, 2017) references:
- Reminder to scout canola and that 3- to 4-leaf canola typically withstands flea beetle feeding when growing conditions are good.
- Reminds to carefully review insecticide label for temperature restrictions PRIOR to application!
- Notes limited spraying for cutworms.
- Reports grasshopper hatch has begun in Manitoba,
- Reports low numbers of Diamondback moths in pheromone traps through May to June 7, 2017.
- And finally, Manitoba Agriculture is advising Manitoban cooperators to deploy Bertha armyworm pheromone traps June 5-10, 2017.

● Saskatchewan's 2017 Crop Production News - Issue #1 (date) is now posted and includes insect pest information prepared by Scott Hartley and Danielle Stephens.  Read the latest update including:
- Information on wireworms, cutworms and other arthropods that will be present in the soil during scouting.

● Watch for Alberta Agriculture and Forestry's Call of the Land and access the most recent Insect Update (June 8, 2017) provided by Scott Meers who:
- Emphasized the importance of scouting for flea beetle feeding in canola and application of action threshold of 25% when examining the cotyledons.
- Reported more incidents of cutworms in central and southern Alberta in all crops so scout and check bare patches in fields.
- Noted cutworm scouting is resulting in reports of other insects including wireworm larvae, crane fly larvae (usually not an economic pest), and stiletto fly larvae (predatory so beneficial).
- And finally, Albertan cooperators are advised to target June 12, 2017, to deploy Bertha armyworm pheromone traps across that province.